Tuesday, February 16, 2010

...Seems like it.

Okay, the post title was so...random.

Well anyways, how's having tests and homework thrown at you in the face before the Chinese New Year sound to you? Terrible timing, I'd say. Still, work has to be done anyway, and it isn't everyday that you get your nice hot Vietnamese instant coffee in front of the computer while you blog and worry about what's coming out for the next Chemistry test...

And if that wasn't dampening enough, half the class got dragged into the SRJC Orientation hoo-hah, so half the class is lagging behind and catching up. Add a Econs test and another half the class got a cautioning talk to drop Econs and focus on 3 H2s instead. Makes sense, depending on your priorities.

As for me, I never believed in changing choices when things go bad. I mean, in the first place I wouldn't have taken 4 H2s if I were intent on dropping one subject later on. That'd be wasting unnecessary time for the past one full year of study. I did something, might as well finish it instead of giving up halfway.

Yeah, you've seen it for yourself. Red Bull doesn't fucking cure mental fatigue... Somebody help!

That being said though, time is really tight. I gotta study for the next two tests coming up. Signing off.

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