Friday, February 26, 2010

Common Test Study Fever

It's nearing the Common Tests, and it's a big study fever. I mean it.

For one, we were told that we were going to be tested on all the JC1 topics as well as the supplementary lectures' content, as well as having the Paper 3 component compounded into that heap of mess to study for H2 Biology. It's really tough and tough, I'll repeat that. It's tough and tough.

That being said, it was such a waste... I could've hit that Silver if not for the 2.4km run - there practically wasn't any time to jog at all, considering that the Common Test period was so near. And even though I scraped through with an E timing, in SRJC it's considered a Fail and everyone having Bronze or Fail means doing all the 6 stations again in one sitting. Talk about wasting time when everything else goes bad.

Anyways, to the positive side of things. I've been able to concentrate much better with the study groups than I could doing everything alone at home. It's just too overwhelming, but in school when one person knowledge complements the other, we get a full map of ideas to play around with. It's made learning much more fun (with inside jokes included, hah!) and productive. But argh! Homework rears its ugly head, but I must persevere!

Things are looking good, I guess. I just hope that my Econs grade can improve, or stagnate at worst. Just don't let it go down, it's such a waste of effort when it really does happen. So far, my Chemistry is doing good, so I'll probably do something to maintain that. It's really competitive especially when things like that happen as the days start to crawl, and suddenly sprint nearer to the A Level Examinations, duh!

1 comment:

Tango said...

KEEP IT UP!!! GO GO GO!!! :)