Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Thank you 4B - for the past 2 years in Anglican High

Just thought that since after this week I won't be able to see most of my classmates anymore until the graduation day, and then each to their own path, hardly crossing any roads with each other anymore, I felt inclined to type this post despite my heavy revision schedule.

Time to get a bit sentimental, but hey, it's dedicated to my class anyway...

Thank you guys, for being lively, as usual. Very cliché, right?

Thank you 4B people, for all the inside jokes and being the rumour arcade for the juciest gossip spread internally, things like Confucius, algae, the rich boss, etc etc, and many others I forgot.

To tell you the truth, it was an eye-opener for me the first day I was in 3B. All along I thought everyone who got into a Triple Science has got to be a nerd like me(back then I saw myself a nerd, but I don't think I am now.) After mingling with you guys, I learned a lot of things:
  1. Never crap too much - you might lose your mind anytime.
  2. The "big rich boss" has weird taste for his wives - one short and one fat(no offence, just for laughs), and has a small son who loves to "kaopeh"(taunt, pass funny sarcasm and jokes).
  3. The blackie "Obama" representative of the class is edible as high quality Swiss bittersweet chocolate.
  4. The dog barks a lot - it's a lot much worse than its bite.
Apart from nonsensical ones, I also learned deep insights of life that begin to redefine me as a person:
  1. Don't swear too much - you'd be seen as an idiot and jerk, and you end up being attacked with more "kaopehs."
  2. Don't go too far in "kaopehs"
  3. Always follow where your heart leads you, when you truly like someone. In studies, use your brain more, though, or you'll suffer heartburn when the cert comes to your hands.
  4. In exams, jokes or homework, go for the no-brainers first - it'll help you find yours.
  5. Don't be a flirt when you don't have the money - learn from the "big boss".
However, there's just a lot more things that I am grateful to you guys for, those jokes, awkward situations, angsts, grumblings, disturbing other classmates for fun after peace and joy, and of course, the times we spent together as a class.

Now, how do I end off?
"Thank you."

What, you were expecting something more?

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