Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Melamine gets into foodstuffs

First it's the killer milk. First time I've heard of people dying from kidney stones from drinking milk, and it affected babies, of all possible consumers. Now it's my House of Steamed Potato crackers. I wouldn't mind giving up that, since the tomato-flavoured ones give me a sharp aftertaste when I eat too much of that junk.

But there is a real liability when both Glenn and Clyde eats this brand of crackers too, and they both eat them more often that their parents who don't say much attention to how many biscuits they eat a day... Adults having kidney stones is bad enough, what more children whose bodies are still not as strong to take that much damage as compared to us physically grown-ups...

Maybe it's high time everybody should ponder about just what they are doing for money's sake. Really, some businessmen do become the black sheep for the country's economy, ruining lives with the very thing needed to sustain life - food.

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