Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Thank you 4B - for the past 2 years in Anglican High

Just thought that since after this week I won't be able to see most of my classmates anymore until the graduation day, and then each to their own path, hardly crossing any roads with each other anymore, I felt inclined to type this post despite my heavy revision schedule.

Time to get a bit sentimental, but hey, it's dedicated to my class anyway...

Thank you guys, for being lively, as usual. Very cliché, right?

Thank you 4B people, for all the inside jokes and being the rumour arcade for the juciest gossip spread internally, things like Confucius, algae, the rich boss, etc etc, and many others I forgot.

To tell you the truth, it was an eye-opener for me the first day I was in 3B. All along I thought everyone who got into a Triple Science has got to be a nerd like me(back then I saw myself a nerd, but I don't think I am now.) After mingling with you guys, I learned a lot of things:
  1. Never crap too much - you might lose your mind anytime.
  2. The "big rich boss" has weird taste for his wives - one short and one fat(no offence, just for laughs), and has a small son who loves to "kaopeh"(taunt, pass funny sarcasm and jokes).
  3. The blackie "Obama" representative of the class is edible as high quality Swiss bittersweet chocolate.
  4. The dog barks a lot - it's a lot much worse than its bite.
Apart from nonsensical ones, I also learned deep insights of life that begin to redefine me as a person:
  1. Don't swear too much - you'd be seen as an idiot and jerk, and you end up being attacked with more "kaopehs."
  2. Don't go too far in "kaopehs"
  3. Always follow where your heart leads you, when you truly like someone. In studies, use your brain more, though, or you'll suffer heartburn when the cert comes to your hands.
  4. In exams, jokes or homework, go for the no-brainers first - it'll help you find yours.
  5. Don't be a flirt when you don't have the money - learn from the "big boss".
However, there's just a lot more things that I am grateful to you guys for, those jokes, awkward situations, angsts, grumblings, disturbing other classmates for fun after peace and joy, and of course, the times we spent together as a class.

Now, how do I end off?
"Thank you."

What, you were expecting something more?

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Uneventful Sunday, but He's moving fast in school

Study time... but I'm still able to blog. Wow.

Man, it's just plain crazy. I've got stacks of worksheets to do, and even more loose ends to tie up before the GCE O Levels. I don't mind all that, but I'm just feeling a bit incompetent due to the poor results I've been getting. Wow, a L1R5 of 15, you see that? Can't even go to the top 5 JCs.

Just the other day, the VJC Principal came to Anglican High to give a talk. The cut-off point is a L1R5 of 4. Why, all my seniors went there, and I'm to be left behind? No way, at least if I can't go there I can't just give up without a fight.

And of course, I've done my own O Level countdown, it's like only 21 days left, from this entry onwards...? Time flies, and I've haven't even started making the best ending impression on the class yet! Needless to say there's so many things going on in my mind, like how to impress the girls in my class(No, really, I'm serious) and doing my best for the O levels, and other stuff like planning for my future and everything...

Anyways, back to what's happening in school. There's now a calling to Christians in school to gather together and pray for revival in the school, that Christ may touch their lives and save them, and a few of us joined in the prayer meetings. Wow, there's even talk about doing praise and worship, and probably even gathering for 4B Christians... But at this point in time I daren't put high hopes in it happening as of yet, since everyone's busy with studying...

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Melamine gets into foodstuffs

First it's the killer milk. First time I've heard of people dying from kidney stones from drinking milk, and it affected babies, of all possible consumers. Now it's my House of Steamed Potato crackers. I wouldn't mind giving up that, since the tomato-flavoured ones give me a sharp aftertaste when I eat too much of that junk.

But there is a real liability when both Glenn and Clyde eats this brand of crackers too, and they both eat them more often that their parents who don't say much attention to how many biscuits they eat a day... Adults having kidney stones is bad enough, what more children whose bodies are still not as strong to take that much damage as compared to us physically grown-ups...

Maybe it's high time everybody should ponder about just what they are doing for money's sake. Really, some businessmen do become the black sheep for the country's economy, ruining lives with the very thing needed to sustain life - food.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Wow I love you guys man, you're my lucky stars

This afternoon my friends and I went to form up a "cycling gang" and went roaming in Pasir Ris Park. I was leading, though I didn't like having people behind me. But before all that, we went to Swensen's for lunch.

Boy, was it expensive! The curry chicken baked rice was the only thing I ordered, and it cost me a bomb - $11.90. That's like, half my wallet spent on just the food...? The others were richer, they ordered spaghetti and extra coke, while I stuck to good ol' plain water. Funny, God created water and so far, nobody has improved on it yet. Bernard was making a whole lot of noise during lunch, and I ended up doing stuff like calling on the waiter to hurry them to deliver the mooncake ice-cream(whatever that is) to those who ordered them, and calling for them to settle the bill.

Next, we headed to Pasir Ris Park, and what should we have taken but bus service 3, of all services. We ended up near Rachelle's house, thanks to Cheryl, and, embarrassing to say, I was yelling just opposite the bus stop about how they should've taken bus 17 instead, with all the schoolchildren looking and laughing at us. In the end we split into two, the boys took a taxi while I flagged down another and went with the girls.

We ended up at Carpark C, while Bernard and the others were at Carpark E. Walked halfway until we could see Carpark D, then we rented some bikes, everyone his/her own, and found them. Made another round back to wait for the others to rent and cycle. Fooled around a bit in the Children's Playground, then went for drinks and flying kites(which didn't fly at all due to no wind).

Went to the beach, and boy, there was so much seaweed(or algae, I don't know) on the shore. Then Sue-Ean was picking up one and saying that's Ming Yue(in case you didn't know, there was an inside joke that her chair smelt of algae). Laughing and fooling around like nobody's business, I threw some stones, trying to skip a few in the water, but it all sank down in one plunge(or whatever it's called, those waves that appear from where the stones sank at).

Took some pictures and called it a day. How nice of Sue-Ean, offering me a home-made muffin that she'd make someday after I asked to taste either of Cheryl's or Sue-Ean's cooking while they were talking about food. Needless to say, there'll always be new rumours from all those talk I have with them both boys and girls.

After all that tiring workout I still had one thing to do - fetch my sister home and buy takeaway food home, and who should I meet but the lady boss of BC Super Grill herself, asking whether I or any friends want to work as waiter down there, and she needed like about 3 more people to help out. Wow, after hurting my wallet for the whole day I got a job offer, just like that.

Hallelujah, I think God's trying to tell me something, though I don't know what...

I don't despise authority, but I hate authoritarians.

Gibberish in the morning just because I didn't take the antibiotics for my face on time. Gibberish in the afternoon just because I'm using Wikipedia when I'm supposed to do mathematics. Gibberish because my room has been barged into by my grandpa, talking nonstop about the risks of cycling with my friends today. "The other day someone died because he cycled."

So what? If everyone were afraid of cycling nobody would be making money out of bicycles anymore.

"Then those people are the foolish ones."

"Then I'd rather be foolish."

I'm sick of arguing with you, old man. What, you want me cooped up in this hellhole? Home would be the best place in the world - without that old man's nagging. Just go do your own business, for God's sake, and don't bombard me with senseless conclusions that can be easily toppled by a one-liner. What, I'm already 16, for crying out loud! Stop keeping me in the house - you'll never succeed.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Prelim tomorrow - but I'm still blogging with ease

So here I am, still able to use the computer even after I got locked out of my computer. Reason?

I'm using Uncle Yiye's laptop, again. It's nice because it's Claira, his daughter's first birthday. Jotted down the notes and reorganised them, so it's made my Chemistry studying a piece of cake. Literally, two pieces of cake also went into my tummy as we celebrated her birthday anyway. 

Got to play his PlayStation Portable. Though he only had 3 games inside, they have the potential to last a really long time, simply because two of them are RPGs. Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII was nice, but I don't like the complicated gameplay and the stupid spinning DMW system was very distracting. Overall, the graphics are the kind that you would say "Wow" at the first sight, but it gradually gets boring as you get used to the PSP graphics quality. It's no different from the other lousier game systems - graphics will ultimately be secondary when it comes to gameplay and the technical side.

I still prefer Final Fantasy IX. The gameplay is simpler.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Wow. Big boss goes to clinic.

Look at Glenn at the left. And look at us, my sister, followed by Clyde and the maid, then my grandma. In case you're wondering I'm behind the camera.

Lucky brat, having half the family going to clinic with him. Stomach flu. The doctor told him that he wasn't supposed to drink milk until his gut is better. Gave him some stomach flu powder to dissolve in water, and extra fever medicine just in case.
Hey, the price is really steep when you come to a paediatrician. Good money too, for the doctor, since her treatment always works more effectively than the other doctors around the neighbourhood, and the medicine doesn't come cheap either. What more when this is a heavily populated part of Singapore. Hello, this is Tampines for goodness' sake!
As for me, I do have asthma, also treated by her, and now brought under control for many years already. Thank God, I don't have to spend heaps of cash anymore, until when I really need to...

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Aims for the future

Well, at least the school shows some much-needed grace for us students at the timely moments - I'm now at home studying for the rest of the prelims during the school holidays. I will do well for the rest of the papers, because there's no excuse to do badly when you are given time to study.

The piece of junk paper is valuable - it gets you anywhere and a basic qualification for higher education, which I was aiming for anyway. I hope to get a qualification in medicine, which poses certain benefits and prestige:

1. Medicine is cheaper when bought from the suppliers directly, so a doctor can give medicine and treat his own family members or other people for free, at his discretion provided that he is qualified to do so.

2. 'Love thy neighbour as thyself.' Best job that is in line with God's word, I reckon.

3. Good pay. In the UK it is said that the doctors are well-paid by the government hospitals, so, why not?

That being said, I still recognise Singapore as the place that I truly belong to, and when my services are called on, I'll be there. But for now, it's the piece of filthy O-level paper that I have to get past.