Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Corporate life is always "nice and interesting."

Well, after about three weeks into the corporate lifestyle, I dare say that I'm putting on a lot of weight. Or at least, I appear to be. For one, there's hardly any more exercise, and I'm not practicising enough self-discipline to go for a jog these days since the college days... But that's not really the point, is it? Sooner or later I'll get myself up and running, for there's tough training that awaits ahead after I head into Pulau Tekong on that day, anyway.

So, there's all sorts of things happening around the office, despite the bore of doing the same thing over and over again all the time. Yeah, as Lia put it, "You are born, taken care of by your parents, educated to get a degree, then when you have it you sit in the office all day long just to look at Excel spreadsheets, spreadsheet by spreadsheet, by spreadsheet, by spreadsheet, by spreadsheet..."
Well, I wouldn't agree with that. More often than not, everyday always brings about new situations to handle all the time. It's been rocky since the day I got here in office - the first day, you start out with corrupt data, and when you're told to redo it. The third day the formula was applied wrongly, redo. By the end of the week it was finally ready.

Phase two. Work to create new data templates to input data in. Sounds cool, but the data needed new formatting, again. Redo. Cool, I haven't even got to start with the data. Wonderful. Then after all of those are done, we proceed on to do more data entry. Almost done with 9 out of 11 countries, cell by cell, spreadsheet by spreadsheet, and Lia was told the work needed to be redone because the goddamned source file wasn't the updated one to begin with. Brilliant eggheads. Hmm.

Along the way, some of the other guys working under the same department were coming in every now and then to discuss about the stuff that was going on in our work. "Well, why don't you just automate the changes to the values?" Brilliant, they wouldn't have had to hire us interns to work on the file otherwise. Very smart question.

So you see, everyday at the office, money talks and bullshit walks. Sometimes, though, funny things happen every now and then. You sometimes would be lucky enough to hear stomachs growling in the middle of your work at about 11am, and by 12 everyone rushes out to have their lunch and overcrowd the food and hawker centres all over the vicinity. I guess it's because of the hard work that even small things that happen around us amuse us sometimes.

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