Thursday, September 2, 2010

Youth Olympics Really Made My Day

It's always nice to have a bit of hoo-hah in your town, especially when it's the Youth Olympic Games. It's over for quite some time, yet the craze is still out there. For one, I actually managed to get hold of one of them DBS Visa Prepaid Cards, which could potentially spell the doom of much of the not-enough-money woes whenever I could not produce that much cash on the spot to pay for a Pastamania or Pizza Hut meal. And wait, does RuneScape Membership count towards the potential use of such a card too?

And as I looked at the YOG website online store, almost everything was sold out, except the friggin' postage stamps. I guess email technology has rendered such stuff redundant altogether, huh?

Uhhh... Yeah, whatever. Thanks for the reminder to start hitting the books for the 17th time again, smartass. Cut me some slack, will'ya?

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