Thursday, October 29, 2009
Chronophobic bottleneck - I can't breathe!
For one, the class is going to be separated to the ends of the SRJC building for next year. Some may end up together - others may stay in 4H2. A shame, really. after 8 months of being together, we still gotta separate. But enough about this for now - let us move on.
The Promotional Results will be released later on in the day, even as I type this down on my blog. It's an emotional event - some call it the Judgement Day. In other words, the serious day where everyone has got no mood to really sit down and do Oral Presentation. The doctor told us to pack up our feelings after the results release, put it in a "bag" and "throw that bag one side" for now, and leaving the sobbing - or celebration - for personal time at home.
That may be right by reason, but let's be honest - who'd be giving a heck about it once everyone gets their Promotional Results? Possibly a handful would continue - but even then I foresee people being in their bad mood mode. Guess I gotta watch out now...
Bad idea to talk about other colleges having ~45 points for their Promotional Examination criteria at this point in time - there's a large portion of us having less than 35 points - the minimum criteria in SRJC.
Not only that, the Chinese A Level is next Monday. And I haven't really got time to sit down and do my study properly. OP is right there running at our heels, and two Olympiads which I haven't studied for at all. Not to mention I&R two weeks after OP too - but apparently some have already handed in the I&Rs already.
Ok, I guess that's enough updates for a midnight post. Will continue updating often - the only thing optimistic about getting your ass stuck in this situation is that the more time passes, the more time you find yourself free to do more stuff. But how long will this continue? There's not even a breather to talk about.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Madness after Promotional Examinations - it isn't any different!
Don't believe me? Look at this list.
Disclaimer: Do not view the bottom list if you have faint of heart, or can suffer from epilaptic seizures at any time while using the computer, or are in any way complaining that your current schedule is very tight, in which case you should look at mine. Period.
1) H1 Chinese A Level Examination (2 Nov 2009)
This stuff is hard to swallow, especially when Chinese isn't my cup of tea. In fact, I'm deciding whether to just give this subject up to some crappy standard and be happy with it, or just go and do all out for this. Wait till you see the below stuff. Just wait and scroll down.
2) Project Work at A Level - Written Report(20th October) and Oral Presentation(6th November, tentative)
This stuff is even harder to swallow, given the weird and often unsatisfactory insanely long hours of work at PW in school. Ah, aah. No such thing as leaving early - whenever there's free time it's chucked into PW and pretty much nothing else other than Chinese. And with absurd planning and negotiations with certain people, we didn't get what we want either. Oh well, just make sure we don't die of mental breakdown due to overexhaustion. Just one month to go!
3) SRGCE Lao Cai, Vietnam Physical Fitness Training & Vietnamese Language Examination
Paid for this, gotta swallow this. No turning back now. Trouble is that the Vietnamese Exam is next week, and let's be honest - I haven't been touching those revision notes at all, not since the Promotional Exams preparation started. Time to hit the books again... or maybe I should start eating those words back again when I start peering down the list.
4) Biology Olympiad(10th November 2009)
Crazy mugging(studying), no different from studying for Promotional Exams, except that the difficulty has stepped up 10 times higher, and the odds are pretty much stacking up higher and higher against me...
5) Chemistry Olympiad
See what I mean? The ODDS are stacking up against me! And for this one, I didn't ask for it - I couldn't finish H2 Chemistry Paper II on the day of the Promo paper itself, and on the exact same day, right after dismissal I was called back with Bani for this Chem Olympiad thingie. Again, intensive mugging again.
6) Nike+ Human Race(24th October!)
"This is the age where your body can take the most abuse and recover quickly," I've heard a certain PE teacher say. Crazy madness - add in the training with only 12 days to prepare for this race. Indeed, a big challenge. willRun isn't gonna help anyway - how long has it been since August the 1st? How long have we been actually training?
7) Guitar Ensemble Christmas Performance 2009(25th December)
Add in irregular hours, I think it's time for 3 hours of sleep time everyday just for such work. Disgusting. Not that I don't want any part of this anyway, but just that if there is a time when I want to put in all my best for this, it's definitely not now. Expect lots of goof-ups during these periods of guitar practice. That being said though, I'll minimise cock-ups.
8) Church Christmas Variety Show Performance(19th December)
As always, why does this have to be the last thing on the list? It's an high-priority item! It's coming from within - I want to serve God. I've done it before, and now I wanna do it again. The only thing that's holding me back from doing all these is ~300 hours of hard work without rest, and another 20 hours of practice for the performance item.
9) SRGCE Lao Cai, Vietnam - Trip to Ban Ho Village and Mount Fan Xi Phan(9 days, 8 nights)
This is what I've signed up for, and it takes up majority of my December time. This year is heavy! There's a lot to prepare, and it seems more and more impossible to get my own private time. One where I can just retreat to the beach, breathing in that cool salty air, with a fishing rod and equipment waiting for a catch. Fat hope, looking at the tough list of hard and fast facts resting on my shoulders.
With all these stuff lying around still waiting to be accomplished, I have only my 4 limbs and a battered body lacking lots of sleep since secondary school. I don't want to end up dying, nor do I want to end up coming back from Vietnam in a box. That's the last thing on my mind. God be willing, I am depending on His strength for all these - there's no way any human can do this without God!
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Back on my two feet
To hell with whether I score or underperform, as long as I stay above that 35 points mark to promote to JC2. It seems like forever down before the examination hall, and when you get there there's no longer that sense of urgency. No sense of importance of examinations anymore... Why is that happening?
Probably I'm getting tired from exam stress. I mean, who wouldn't, after 10 whole years of study and examinations non-stop, year after year? Anyways, I try not to think about Promos as much as possible. After all, worry doesn't make anything better or worse - it just scares you out more than what is needed to motivate you to study hard for something anyway. Fear paralyses, and I ain't gonna get my ass trapped in that self-perpetuating fear, then.