Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Homework heartburn

Sometimes, we are forced to bite off more than we can chew, and this leads to indigestion, both literally and metaphorically...

March holidays wasn't holiday at all - we had to go back for two days to attend make-up lectures! As if that wasn't enough, the General Paper homework was enough to make anyone stand on the pile of homework and notebook file stacked together, and curse and swear for the next 24 hours without realising that noise doesn't get you anywhere near finishing what is expected of us in a 4H2 class. After all, in Serangoon JC almost everyone takes 3H2 combinations and we're considered the elite of the school simply because we chose this arduous path that sometimes makes me regret in complaint.

I question myself - Why the hell am I doing this? There's like, no time to leave to myself and doing leisure stuff? Where have all my lame jokes gone? What is becoming of me - turning back into nerd-school style? Why am I even here in a JC?

The answer is obvious - to get that stupid piece of weighted and laminated paper that declares that you are eligible for studying medicine at university level. But enough of this - academic stuff makes a life blog boring to the core, so I'll just skip to the juicy stuff of what has been going on in school lately.

Firstly, Rong Kai has left us, leaving us with 19 people in class 09-1S02, in order to pursue what he thinks he clearly wants, and taking up a Business Management course of some sort. Being a broker ain't really that bad a career choice either, so all the best to his future endeavours!

...and damn, I lost a good buddy just like that.

And there's a few of our classmates who went ahead and presented their speeches to win votes for positions in the Student Council Exco(Executive Committee), of which Julia's is certainly one that I, for one, really take my hat off too. After hearing her speech, I was expecting her to end with cliched expressions when here she shot off "I wish the other Exco elects good luck and all the best in winning votes..." Magnamity - maybe that's what most of us would forget after learning it. Still, it's one thing to learn off a classmate...

The Project Work question paper just got released today, and like the rest of the college, we were completely clueless as to what question to choose, mainly because they are so generic that we have trouble deciding what to put as the project focus! Hopefully we get over this momentary shock fast, so that we might be able to move closer to our As in PW.

And kudos to Reymond, for passing me my lost file, which his friend Alfred(apologies for spelling error) had stumbled upon during Podium CCA time, and helping me retrieve all the important documents inside it. Thanks again!

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