Wednesday, December 31, 2008
New Year - Somehow, this year's feeling is different
Guess when the world is about to experience a second economic Great Depression, life for me follows suit - it gets ever more boring every day I stay at home waiting for my GCE O Level results to come out. To hell with the suspense of the results - just tell us the date of release, for Christ's sake. I just want to get out of the house, go to school and break this monotomy of sitting at home rotting at the sofa, being a couch potato. Can't time just past more quickly?
That being said though, I'll just worry about the grades when I receive my O Level cert. After all, each day has enough trouble of its own, so what's the point worrying about what you cannot have any control upon?
And another thing - this coming new year is what perhaps nobody is actually looking forward to, throughout the globe. Look at the economic mess that everyone has got into - shareholders, Leyman Brothers' mini-bond victims, everyone fighting tooth and nail to preserve their rice bowls, and no more splurging on "necessities" like PSPs, Nintendo DSes, even MP3 players.
Even the thrifty people aren't spared at all. Just when I was about to make plans to buy myself some expensive gadget like a DS or just a cheap and decent MP3 player, the economic crisis struck - and sometimes I wonder why I went about so much effort to save money when I can't even spend it on my own stuff in the end after all. Maybe God wants me to start saving for the many more rainy days to come, I guess...
Simply put - the moving on to 2009 isn't anything grand after all, it's just a continuation of the troubles we are currently facing in 2008. Therefore, I don't see much reason to celebrate after all, apart from the hope that when worse situations come, we see more of Christ's glory made manifest in carrying us through those tougher circumstances.
Hence, a short message to those fortunate enough to read this entry - I urge you to place your hopes, aspirations, pain, worries, everything on Jesus this year, for he is saying today, "Come to me, all ye who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest."(Matthew 11:28)
Monday, December 29, 2008
Uncle Daniel's House Party - a Christmas party before Christmas Eve
Or maybe you guys wouldn't have to wait for so long after all...
Anyways, on 23rd December 2008 Uncles Kelvin and Steven and I went to Uncle Daniel's house for a celebration for the successful performance at the Peerless Name Jesus Christmas Dinner '08. We waited until around 9.30pm for everyone to reach there so that we can start the "debriefing" and comment on our performance. The consensus was this: we couldn't have done it without Jesus Christ, our common Lord and Saviour, helping us behind the scenes and putting everything in order with our common prayers. Now THAT's one spirit, one mind, and one common faith being manifest in us, namely:
- Jesus Christ - the one keeping us together in one piece and one mind, making miracles out of situations that seemed impossible beforehand, and teaching us along the practice periods and holding our hands throughout the stage fright period.
- Uncle Daniel and Auntie Norines - for organising our group for the dance item.
- Uncles Kelvin and Steven, Brothers Maran and Chris as well as Theudas - for being the ones out there doing the meat of the dance
- Sisters Osheana and Shirleen - for endless behind-the-scenes moral support, and providing invaluable suggestions throughout the dance practices.
- Thaddeus, Malcolm and Brother Maran's new daughter, born during the crisis of the group, when our group was about to buckle under the pressure and hiccups here and there - for providing comic relief when everyone was stressed up about the performance and being endlessly attacked by Satan via problems and circumstances that came out of the blue.
- Any other people who helped behind the scenes that I forgot to mention in this list of credits.
So, with all the problems that happened beforehand, and the startling comeback that we did in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, this was no doubt reason enough of celebration because of His grace and faithfulness to see us through till the very end and beyond. And boy, did we enjoy this party, of course!
Just look at the spread, haha.
From bottom left to right: chocolate pastry(I don't know what's that thing-a-ma-jig called), pork knuckle, and steamed butter rice.
As for the milk bottle, I don't know how it ended up there - probably it's meant for Brother Maran's new baby daughter(I still haven't asked what's her name).
Of course, we wouldn't possibly forget starting the whole party singing praises and worshipping Him, right? So we sprang into action and had a great time indeed.
Brother Chris and me, holding the guitar, posing for a photo impromptu.
And just after dinner Uncle Steven's birthday was announced - on 23rd December 2008 - perfect timing! Uncle Daniel got us a Christmas log cake for us to share, which doubled as a celebration for Uncle Steven's birthday, and boy, that was truly Christmas, considering that God made the events fall onto place: Celebration and debriefing of the Christmas Dinner'08 dance item, celebration of Uncle Steven's birthday, and early celebration for Christmas at Uncle Daniel's house.
Christmas Log Cake, aka Uncle Steven's Birthday Cake. Good stuff!
Sweet stuff for a Sweet and Merry Christmas. Perfect. I was told to eat a whopping three thick slices just after eating a whole lot of stuff, so I did - and being the first to eat the Christmas turkey stuffing, which nobody in the house ever noticed until I told them, I was fully stuffed like the turkey I ate. I hope they're not thinking of using ME as next year's Christmas TURKEY? Haha...
Saturday, December 20, 2008
A barbecue, again
After hanging around at Uncle Yiye's condominium abode we went downstairs for a swim. Boy, that swim was dangerous even though it's still a 1.2m flat pool - we found a stray orange plastic container meant for a Super Soaker floating on the pool out of nowhere, and I almost slipped into the water because of a dumb transparent glass marble at the pool floor!
Anyways, we hung around the pool for a while more until the barbecue started, since for the rest of the day we had nothing else to do. Then we had this problem here: the delivery for the barbecue food didn't arrive until 6pm, when the scheduled time was supposed to be 5.30pm. So, we started behind time and the fire was started. While trying to dispose of the excess burning material, we accidentally burnt a hole through the dustbin bag - luckily for us, that bin was made of fireproof plastic so we didn't damage any property. Wow, even soft drinks can put out fires, man...
Despite that, it was still worthwhile the trip anyway - we went back with full stomachs, and excess food to take home too.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Blog wipe - getting ready for the new year!
As all of you may have already noticed by now, this new skin looks more posh than the previous template I used, but there are sacrifices for this. For example, where once I put in the Anglican High School logo, and stuff like little write-ups at the side are no longer there. In its place is something more, should I say, empty space.
But there's the juice of this entire new blogskin there - I get to customise more of this blog and make it more personal than just rigid computer-generated layouts. No more plain designs anymore - life's just about to get more colourful with the modifications made on this blog!
Visitors, do tag a lot more - it seems a little empty so far, so help me bring some life into this blog, thanks in advance!
Monday, December 15, 2008
Glycemic Index - a clue to healthier eating
So, I just did a little Net-surfing and found this familiar topic that appeared in the Biology textbook - the glycemic index. Basically, glycemic index isn't some complicated topic after all.
Simply put, glycemic index is a measure of how fast the carbohydrates in food are released into the bloodstream. The higher the index of a particular food, the faster the glucose derived from the digested food gets absorbed into the bloodstream. So, to quote a few examples,
Foods with high glycemic index(GI): potatoes, bread, corn flakes, sweets, cereal, etc.
Foods with low GI: foods like nuts, milk, fruit and veg., chicken and fish.
So, to ensure your blood glucose stays steady I'd suggest you eat more fruit and veg, and nuts are a good thing to snack on if you're gonna burn midnight oil. For a quick fix just grab the nearest chocolate bar. However, that doesn't mean eating nuts despite food allergies, so don't use this information provided against me when stuff like that happens, okay?
Still trying to kill time after sharing this to Netizens reading this entry.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Random doodle
The hidden story behind the AHS Guitar Ensemble Farewell Chalet 2008
When I was told of this Guitar Ensemble Farewell Chalet meant for the Secondary Fours, I already knew who was gonna come and who wasn't. Daniel and Jonathan were feeling really down and dejected because they were rejected for the Harmony 2008 Concert, so I knew what they were going through. However, I still tried to persuade them to come and join the rest of the Ensemble, to no avail, obviously. Knowing Benedict's couldn't-care-less attitude, he wouldn't even bother to come even if I tried to get him to, and he didn't come.
Great, I've been with them bass boys for the past 3 years, being looked down by Mrs NC Koh, being seen as the boys who couldn't do anything of substance within the CCA group. I was the one down there doing their dirty job of annotating the scores so they could play the bass section of the pieces, and many times I fork out their lunches and snacks out of my own pockets. This is what I got for 4 years of service in the CCA.
Thank God He sent Jacob to come for this chalet - at least I know there's someone out there who still cares for this socially-challenged senior of his.
During the first day of that farewell chalet, I was told that there wasn't any barbecue on that day itself, but rather on the next day. Of course, I was really angry at that time because it meant that I couldn't attend that barbecue due to my hip-hop dance item training and practice for the Christmas Dinner 2008 starting at 8pm the day after. The "today no barbecue" quote was already turning my stomach upside down the moment I heard it.
I was just recovering from this disappointment as the day went on, until the rest of the Secondary Four batch went for the movies without me. Hell, nobody even told me that they were wearing the batch tees and they just up and went for the movie marathon without asking me along at all! So naturally, being the only Secondary Four boy among the entire girl-dominated batch there, I felt left out. What to do while they were out at the movies? I stayed with the juniors, playing cards and behaving immaturely just to fit in.
The next day, after hitting Li Pin's mouth with the "ball", which was actually a soap bar, by mistake due to some rough Captain's Ball playing, I felt really bad. I actually injured a girl, and the guilt made the day worse, and after being told off by her I stayed my distance from Li Pin, just so that she might feel better with my brief absence. Hell, if you guys performed friendly fire in the middle of a rough game, you'd understand why I did that.
After buying drinks for a parched Guitar Ensemble, a familiar voice shouted out from the crowd: "Aaron, I forgive you!" That forgiveness made me ponder about some things much later. However at that moment I dared not look back at her. I just didn't dare to - I didn't, and still don't know why.
Despite being forgiven I still felt lousy for the day - and the rain had to spoil early barbecue. Two ladies were cooking at our pit just before the rains came - I wrote about this before in the previous posts. And I was later called back to the Secondary Fours' room in the chalet and told about some admin issues the Secondary Three committee were lacking on and mistakes they made, and I was to be there for a, supposedly, Secondary Four batch photo.
Apparently I don't think I was supposed to be part of it from the start. I was about to join in the photo-taking, but one of them said it was only for the girls, so what was I to do, being the sole minority there? I stood as I watched them take some photos and decided this wasn't getting anywhere, so I got out of that place.
Good riddance, I thought. I didn't belong there anyway. Uncle Steven came at the right time - at 7.30pm. The rain was so heavy that day that the barbecue failed anyway, so in a way I was delivered from a situation whereby everything looked really bad and hopeless, to a community who was working towards one common goal - to spread His name to the rest of a portion of the Singaporean community and to raise funds for the church building in the name of Jesus, via doing our part in preparing an English Congregation dance item for "Peerless Name Jesus" Christmas Dinner 2008.
After all of that was over, I sat back in the room to think about why all that happened, still bearing hidden grudges and things. She might have said that just to make me feel better at that moment, but if she can forgive me for what I did to her, why can't I do the same to those around me, just like how Christ has forgiven those who believe in Him?
Yeah, maybe it's time to just put aside all that ostracism and get on with life, as it is with Jesus around.
To put it in a dramatic sense, God delivered me out of all that anger and frustration and changed all that into devotion and concentration in the item. And there I found my solace - no more loneliness in Him, no more need for needless explosions of anger. And I'm still holding onto His promise that He will never leave nor forsake me. come hell or high water.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Let Christ be the Lord of your life and everything within
Moral of the story: If you get stingy with Jesus and try to limit His place in your life, He won't perform miracles nor help you much in your life. Knowing that human effort alone cannot accomplish anything of substance, and that in the flesh dwells nothing good within our spirit, it is mandatory that we should let Christ help us in every aspect of our life, to ensure our success in life in Him. After all, what greater blessing is there for every man than to have a loving and gracious God to help him succeed in everything he does?A man once bought a house, and decided to dedicate a room for Jesus, where he could be alone and free to be with the Lord. "This room is yours, Lord, and bless this house and my family," the man said. Jesus accepted this offer.
The first night that the man spent in the house, he could not sleep in peace because there was a figure that was knocking on the door and making a din. Looking out of the window in his room, he realised that it was the devil at the door, making such a din at the door that the whole family was woken up by the immense noise. The man, in his desperation, went to call upon Jesus in His room. No matter how much he tried to beg and ask Him to get the devil out of his doorstep, nothing happened throughout the whole night. Fortunately for him, the devil walked away by dawn.
The next day, everyone was not in their best condition for work and school, so together, they took an afternoon nap. Who would've known that the devil came knocking and making a din at the doorstep again just as they were about to fall asleep? Soon, they were getting desperate again and the man went into Jesus' room and pleaded with Him to get the devil out of the doorstep. Still, nothing happened and after the devil got tired of disturbing the household, he went away, only to came back at night again. This went on for several days.
Finally, angered and fatigued by all the days of noise and lack of sleep, the man went to ask Jesus why He wouldn't do anything to stop the devil. However, all He replied was, "You dedicated this room to me, but what about the rest of the house?" At that very moment the man realised his folly, and declared that He be free to move around the house as and when He likes, and that He be part of the family too. Hearing this, Jesus went to the living room, rebuked the devil, and the devil cowered in fear of His voice and scampered out of sight.
From then on, Jesus was the VIP of the household, and the man and his family went on to dedicate their lives to Him more than ever since this incident, serving His ministry and furthering the gospel to many more people and bring them to Him for their salvation, sometimes even performing miracles in His name, such as healing the sick and occasionally even raising the dead back to life in His power and glory.
That being said though, we must set our hearts right before God first before you ask anything of Him first, then He will send His Holy Spirit to help us.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Looking back at my past...
It's in Anglican High where:
- I soiled my first uniform because I puked out of carsickness while travelling in bus 17 to school on the first day - and was granted permission to skip the first day of school to clean up the mess.
- The first friend I made in Anglican High actually broke wind real loud in front of the whole class in just the 3rd day of school - and of course, it was a stink bomb.
- I was put into the 4th out of the 5 CCA choices I made - and so I joined the AHS Guitar Ensemble.
- I was the first person in history to bring frogs into the Guitar Room for "horrifying entertainment on the loose".
- I was the first person in history of the Guitar Ensemble to bring a live tortoise into the Guitar Room - and attracted a lot more attention whilst Mr Shi, the instructor, seemed to be insensitive to its presence.
- I became one of the four who got ostracized in class 2L'06 - but gave ample time for us four to bond with each other, being the "losers of the class".
- I became the "babe of the class" in class 3B-4B from '07 to '08 due to some joker trying to ruin my reputation in the new class - and the title stuck with me among my classmates to this very day.
- I became the smart-aleck in the class - getting the answers wrong most of the time.
- I attracted a lot of attention - both voluntarily and involuntarily.
- I was made fun of by my classmates because of a rumour spreading that mentioned about me being a potential FHM model - see (4) to know why.
- I was the butt of the joke in many places - like walking into the glass panel in public places, and playing guitar to an audience who wouldn't even bother whether there was music being made or not.
- I was St Bernard's irritant fly buzzing at his ears.
- I pushed myself to the limits and sat for the GCE O Level Examinations.
- I had to shit in my pants in the middle of a major O Level paper. I repeat - a MAJOR paper where if I didn't, I would lose time and not be able to finish the paper.
- I gradually learned to differentiate assholes from true friends, and to cherish the good ones.
- I learned major lessons on money management - many times, I overspent my pocket money on food in the school canteen alone, not to mention spending it on fast food.
- I learned that a loud voice isn't everything - anger doesn't accomplish anything at the end of the day but instead makes your blood boil faster.
There are just too many more things to list down about the stuff I did in the secondary school years, but there is just one thing that I can't deny - it is in Anglican High where I got to truly accept Jesus as my Lord and Saviour.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Swimming phenomena
Just a little thing I've noticed while I'm accompanying my sister to the public swimming pool for her swimming lessons. Some of the kids swim with their pyjamas on, I wonder why?
At first glance I thought it's just them, trying to do some free laundry after their afternoon naps. Driven by curiosity, I went ahead to disturb Shang Bo over the phone to ask why. I was told that the pyjamas were there for training for Silver and Gold swimming courses, and they tie the ends up and blow it up so that it doubles as a float.
Wow, interesting discovery for the day...
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Long hair gives long irritation
December Woes
Or maybe I'll just find time to catch up with some of the Primary 6/9 folks while the holiday lasts.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
AHS Guitar Ensemble Farewell Chalet 2008 Day 2
First things first, I overslept while at the same time telling the juniors that I'd be there at around 7am in the morning. In the end I reached Aranda at around 9.30am. Along the way, I was thinking, since I hadn't had any breakfast yet, I might as well drop by the Mr Bean store and grab some pancakes there before the activities, namely an Amazing Race, was to begin at 10.30am. Along the way I bumped into the rest of the Sec 4s who stayed overnight, and they were heading for McDonalds anyway, so I just tagged along. Yay, good chance for me to use Wi-Fi in public places.
It turned out that before you could use Wi-Fi service provided by McDonalds and other fast-food chains, you had to register for a Wireless@SG account and log in. Having 2 sets of wireless Internet access, one being the Wireless@SG one and another provided by Downtown East, I used the Downtown East one instead, since there wasn't any prerequisite required to use it anyway. It worked, obviously. Yay, another job done to ensure continual Internet access outdoors.
Ate a simple breakfast of tea and Sausage McMuffin, while the others ate stuff like Big Breakfast. Nothing against McDonalds food, but it's a tried-and-tested experience that when you eat Big Breakfast, especially the scrambled eggs, you begin to start to want to go to the toilet for the big business. Not a good idea to start the day when you're in a hurry to let the games begin. Anyways, we continued on, with the rest of the girls making beelines to the toilets while I headed off to the chalet to unpack entertainment machinery there.
Alas, nobody was opening the door despite button-mashing the doorbell button and smacking the door like nobody's business. It can't possibly mean they're all outside the chalet - the slippers were all outside the door. Fruitless banging and the building up of steam meant that I waited outside like some desperate guy. Ah, but at least Wei Xiang came just at the right moment and, man, she is literally EXPLOSIVE and blew the door open with her brief rant and smacking of the door.
Um, I guess that's girl power, so to speak?
After getting in, I hung around with the juniors who were there, playing poker cards, a couple of rounds of Tai Ti, got acquainted to this game called Bridge, and the games started. It was Captain's Ball, but with a little rough twist - they used apples and Lux soap dipped in a Softlan laundry softener and flour mixture so that it's very slippery and hard to catch. It didn't turn out to be a good idea - the right lens of my spectacles dropped off the frame, some people got hit hard by the hard soap, and I accidentally hit Li Pin's mouth with the soap during the game. Of course, that made her pissed at me - who wouldn't, when her mouth is bleeding at the lip?
We decided to leave the games alone, and check on Li Pin, to make sure no tooth damage has been done. It didn't hit the teeth out of position, I reckon, so phew for me.
Lessons to learn from this rough and dirty game:
- NEVER use hard stuff like soap or apples for Captain's Ball, Monkey, or any other game that involves throwing the stuff to a teammate, to avoid friendly fire.
- NEVER use Lux soap or Softlan laundry softener - Alicia's arm turned red after washing the stuff off with tap water, and it's probably because she has sensitive skin and does not really know it until it turned red.
- ALWAYS play dirty games in an area near the toilets. We had to take a walk for 5 minutes before we could reach the nearest toilet, which pissed a good lot of us off as we went there to wash up.
We ended up not having the Amazing Race that we used to have every year, because there was just too little people attending this Farewell Chalet. Even so, the weather wasn't very good to us - we went indoors at around 2 plus, and there we stayed and hung around until 5 when it rained. Just before it rained, someone was using our barbecue pit just when we were about to start the barbecue. Thanks ladies, whoever you are, for using our barbecue pit just when we were about to use it... (sarcasm)
"Hey, that's our barbecue pit," someone yelled out to the ladies from the balcony. It just didn't make sense. We tried to get her to use some other barbecue pit, but we all we got was this answer: "Aiyah, it's only the numbers, what... Go use the other pits, lah."
Ahem. Barbecue pit 2313 is the one we paid for, not the others. And what's up with that lame excuse of the other barbecue pits being "too hot" when there's no burning charcoal put in the grills yet? "Whatever you are cooking, make it quick. We're gonna use the barbecue pits soon. Hurry up," I answered them. Of course, everyone was pissed when the rains came just when the inconsiderate ladies left with their pot of inedible crap half-cooked.
It rained, and stopped. And it rained again. How are we to barbecue? We waited and waited. By 6-plus the people were grumbling and becoming desperate for barbecue, so someone started the idea of starting the barbecue at the BALCONY, of all places. Nice place to have a barbecue, but what about the smoke signals? Luckily for us, we managed to stop them in time just before they opened the pack of firestarters.
The alumni seniors came to join us, all drenched in the rain and stuff, and still they lent us hands to start the fire at the pit, but it still ended up being a failure anyway - there was no fire, only more rain soaking through their clothes and wet umbrellas. I wished I could stay longer, but by 7.30pm I really had to go for practice because the next day's the full-dress rehearsal for the hip-hop dance. So, much to my own personal dismay I just "disappeared" from the chalet hungry until 10.30pm when the practice ended.
Ate a lot on the first day, starved on the second day, both emotionally and physically.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
AHS Guitar Ensemble Farewell Chalet 2008 Day 1
When I got to Aranda Country Club lobby at 2.15pm, I had this hunch that that was definitely the wrong place to go to, because I didn't even know which chalet room we were to meet in. I checked the phone message sent by Wai Ping earlier yesterday, which confirmed that I was to go to Pasir Ris MRT Station instead, which proved my hunch right. Took a 10-minute walk back from Aranda to Pasir Ris MRT, and met Shawn, Zhi Tao and Genevieve, and later some more Sec 1s, before walking back to Aranda. Heh, talk about a little exercise of the feet, sand and mud...
Went to the lobby to wait for Yannis and some adult to check in for us before we could get into a chalet where we could unpack and play around in. After getting in, there was practically nothing much to do except some self-entertainment by playing poker cards and Uno, though of course, there weren't any monetary wagers involved at all.
A while later we ate instant noodles for late lunch. Soon after, they planned to go outdoors to play some messy games, those that involve putting chocolate into flour so that it looks like you-know-what, and probably either making you step and squish it or throwing them around, etc. Quite terribly, it began to rain, so we were stuck indoors and the games were cancelled. Instead, we went for dinner.
Wow, oookay... look at this, fellas. I just ate instant noodles at 5pm, ate some chocolate at 6pm, and now we're out for dinner at 7pm. Still, I ate sliced fish soup with rice, and a bowl of cheng tng
and surprisingly, I still managed to stomach them down. Dropped by KFC to buy a large box of popcorn chicken to munch on in the chalet, then later we resumed self-entertainment among ourselves - Shawn, Zhi Tao, some of the girls and I playing cards and occasionally, the PSP that I borrowed off Shang Bo but still have yet to return to him, and the girls playing tau pok(human pile) in their room, making such a din that for a while, we thought they were doing gang-rape inside.
Anyways, after an awful long time of boredom and joking around, Hai Long finally managed to come, with me meeting him on the way to the lobby and directing him back to the chalet. After his arrival, things soon became different - in a good way, of course. For one, he asked me to go hang around downtown so that he can explore around in this corner of Singapore, and also for him to withdraw some money from the ATM and buy Subway sandwiches for the girls upstairs at Aranda.
Look at this, people, LOOK AT THIS. Instant noodles at 5pm, 2 packs of chocolate at 6pm, sliced fish soup with rice and a bowl of cheng tng at 7pm, popcorn chicken at around 8pm, and now Subway at 9pm. Thanks, Hai Long, for bringing me to such a place to get tempted to eat like nobody's business out here...
In the end by 10pm I was stuffed. I just couldn't eat anymore for the day. After the heavy supper, I hung around for a while more before Uncle Kelvin called up and I had to leave the chalet to come back home, to keep everyone else updated about the happenings during this chalet.