Sunday, November 9, 2008

O Level Crisis - Week 3: Waste of time

Hi, back to what's going on in the GCE O Levels for me, continued from previous posts...

O Level Combined Humanities(Social Studies), 3/11/08, 2.oopm
This paper wasn't as hard as I thought - I was well prepared already when I sat for the paper. It isn't often that you get to sit for a paper so confident in a major examination that determines your future, you know. I chose question (4) as I thought it was much easier as compared to the other questions, namely (2) and (3).

After the paper, I asked around and to my surprise, most of my classmates chose question (3), on Northern Ireland and Sri Lanka. First reaction was "What?" Such a difficult topic to write on, yet so many people chose that? From what I think it looks like, I think everyone else's outta their minds to do something that is going to cost them marks when they could avoid that question altogether and do another.

No offence, but I think I'm saying this because I got stuck halfway while trying to attempt question (3) and cancelled off the whole question because I wrote crap, ending up doing question (4) instead, which was far much easier.

O Level Chinese Papers I and II, 5/11/08, 8.00am and 10.45am
Something happened halfway during Paper I, which is too embarrassing and humiliating to mention. Skip that.

The papers were not as difficult as I thought - I managed to do it with ease, and managed to survive the whole ordeal with a chronic stomachache throughout the examination. Tough luck, eh? Anyways, I did manage to finally finish Paper I, making up for the unfinished Paper I in the Mid-Year Chinese GCE O Level. Paper II was easier too - all the comprehension passages span only about three-quarters of a page!

The remaining days - guess what did I do? Yes, play! But of course there's some discipline involved - with great amounts of play-time also means great amounts of study-time as well. I studied throughout the nights till at least 3am the next day. Today's no different too.

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