Sunday, August 24, 2008

The first of the many trials of my life in Christ, I reckon

Been to the library to use my time more efficiently that at home, been to the Expo to study. Been to home cell meetings. Been even to a healing rally the night before the GCE 'O' Level Chinese exam. And I'm slogging my guts out just to gain the approval to go to church and be with the people there.

Sometimes I wonder why I have to do what I'm doing, risking my grades and all that persecution for my faith in Christ even within my own family. But I cannot fail here. This is just one of the many trials to craft me into His image more and more. Tribulations works patience, patience in turn works experience, and experience hope. I want to be a man of God. I must succeed here, how else can I be able to serve Him at this juncture?

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