Thursday, August 26, 2010

Road to A Levels Part III: End of Prelims - 10 weeks to A Levels!

After the last paper tomorrow, it's the big mad rush all over again. I'm kinda sick of this running after grades, but I know I have to press on. It just doesn't make sense to study for so long and hard to achieve nothing in the end.

But this blog seems to be a little dead, so I thought I'd inject some life into it by creating another 2 pages above, so that anyone who bothers would have a clearer picture of what I say when I refer to certain events in my life. I mean, there's nothing shameful about what's inside, I've come to terms with them.

More new stuff will come soon, so stay tuned. But right now, I've got my Biology to study for.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Of Life and Heroes

I'm disillusioned about the things going on in life today.

Just look at all the mess in today's world. Terrorism, war, nuclear bombs. Economic disparity between the developing countries and the developed ones. Marriages and divorces, all the vices you can name of - greed, jealousy, lust, pride, and all that. Violence in media and its effects are further exemplified by the James Bulger murder case that happened in the last decade. Chernobyl, 23 years ago.

I don't have to spell most of the things out - you can observe those for yourself if you really tried. Whatever happened to society that these stuff are happening in such unprecedented frequency? It's just crazy.

In the past, people would tell me not to be trusting of the people around you, for the very people whom you trust would betray you. In the past, people would tell me to rely on myself and not on others. People would tell me to do the good, help those in need, and not expect anything in return. But as I move on with life, all these values and the teachings taught by the elders and peers just seem to contradict whatever is going on around the world. Are what the values they have been teaching all for naught?

However, as I learned more, I began to realise how beautiful life can be.

Even within this hysterical pandemonia of morality and unconventional ethics problems faced by the 21st Century citizen today, there's still encouraging stories about how against all these odds of human error, there are numerous heroes who stand out against the norm. Heroes, because they do what most people are afraid or are unable to do. Take Bill Gates - he's a hero in his own right. Tell me, who in their right mind would be willing to donate more than a few billion dollars to the poor and needy? Yet what he does is right, crazy as it might sound.

Take the firefighters and liquidators who sacrificed their lives to stop the radiation leakage into the atmosphere in Chernobyl. They weren't heroes just for fighting a war as we know it - if they didn't do what they did we would have all been suffering worse than what we would have been today. Think of all these poor children afflicted with thyroid cancer, and other birth defects resulting from the radiation leakage of Chernobyl.

Take people who have committed heinous crimes and have turned themselves in voluntarily, without the police or other law-keeping organisations on their heels. They're also heroes in their own right. They had the courage to face their own wrongdoings and accept the punishment due to them, so that their conscience would no longer plague them for the rest of their lives.

It's ironic how in the midst of these human dilemmas there needs to be evil shown before the good side of human nature can surface. Yet even then, inspired by these people, I would choose to be a hero someday. Even with all this mess, I will live on. Life is worth living, even if it hurts you. However disillusioned I may get, I'm telling myself, as long as I see hope in people, I will press on. Even if it means giving your life to something of a good cause...